Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
During this inspiring episode you will meet Julie Creffield, an “activator of people” who works as a business growth strategist helping clients grow audiences and build impactful, mission-led businesses. She also runs, and has done for around 11 years, a plus size fitness business call Too Fat to Run.
As you will discover, Julie is down to earth, honest, and authentic in her approach. She talks passionately about all that she does. In fact, in discussing the variety of work they both undertake Sarah and Julie agree that neither of them wants to be ‘niched’ and put in a box.
They are their own niche!
As this episode unfolds you will hear how Julie came to write her book ‘Leading from the Back’ following the most challenging time of her life during the pandemic. And how when she arrived in Rhodes, giving herself some time out to do so, she burst into tears when she first walked into the sea - her role as a leader in business had seen her holding space for 1000s of business owners and plus size women, including key workers, during the crazy months when the UK was in full lockdown. It had an impact on her wellbeing too.
Julie talks about leadership, leading from the back and we can all play our part and the social anxieties that have arisen as a result of the pandemic and how even she has struggled going out again socially.
She had ‘forgotten’ how do it!
In fact, together they discuss the impact that the pandemic has had on mental health, and fear that has been fed into everyone.
The impact of social media and burn out is covered …
Julie shares her back story, growing up in the East End, in a large family with a history of poverty and how wanting to break this cycle motivates and drives her to create a completely different message to her daughter.
You may be surprised to learn that Julie admits that she is not a naturally happy person, she is motivated and driven, is recognised for being funny and humorous but her default, due to her upbringing, is more in alignment with pessimism. That said, she explains how she works to overcome this to live the life she has today.
And for those plus size women out there who enjoy running – Julie has your back!
This truly is an insightful episode that covers a wide range of subject matter neatly packed into a 40-minute burst that is guaranteed to inspire you in one way or another.
What are you waiting for? Tune in and listen now or download for later!!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
To get in touch with / find out more about Sarah J Naylor:
Email: hello@sarahjnaylor.com
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
121 Coaching: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/121-coaching/
Book: Shining a Light on You – How to Manifest Your Dream Job: http://mybook.to/shininglightyou
Digital Course: How to Manifest Your Dream Job: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/manifest-your-dream-job/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SarahJNaylor
To get in touch with Julie:
Website: https://juliecreffield.com/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bigger-than-you/id1584815784
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julie_creffield/