Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
During this uplifting and insightful episode, you will meet the fabulous Serena Dodd, a Positive Psychology Coach, Life Mentor and Breathwork Facilitator.
You’ll discover how Serena has completely changed her life and is now following her soul’s purpose to help others, namely hidden high achievers unlock their inner stellar success so that they can stop playing small and boldly magnetise their dream life through more money, more confidence, and more freedom.
Serena once led an exciting jet set lifestyle that saw her travelling the world. She started her career working on the BAFTAs, moved into television and ultimately in event management including such high-profile events as Formula One and the Olympics.
As Serena explains whilst this was an incredible life, it took its toll, and it became her life. She became lonely, anxious, and felt incapable of creating friendships and spent her downtime alone, cooking with the TV on for company. Until, after a particularly bad episode of anxiety, she listened to and took note of her instincts and intuition and made the decision to walk away without any plans other than to spend time being curious, keeping an open mind in educating herself.
In doing so, she has created a whole new life for herself, one that sees her aligned with her purpose and potential and, of course, being happy.
Serena talks about breathwork and spending time breathing in deeply to bring in oxygen to our system – a reset for the lungs, brain, and blood. As she explains, breathwork patterns are great on so many different levels and that it is having a surge of popularity right now due to it’s benefits and of course once taught, it’s FREE!
Together they discuss the benefits of breathing that can be both invigorating and calming depending upon the patterns that are used during exercises, and how and breath work, in conjunction with changes to the mindset work can help improve health and wellbeing.
This is a fabulously insightful episode that will attract many nods of agreement and aha moments so tune in right away to discover more today.
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
To get in touch with / find out more about Sarah J Naylor:
Email: hello@sarahjnaylor.com
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
121 Coaching: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/121-coaching/
Book: Shining a Light on You – How to Manifest Your Dream Job: http://mybook.to/shininglightyou
Digital Course: How to Manifest Your Dream Job: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/manifest-your-dream-job/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SarahJNaylor
To get in touch with Serena: