Friday Sep 23, 2022
099: Why Don’t You?! Aka Being Curious! (The ’Happy Clappy’ Soundbite)
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
Inspired by being curious – hear Sarah talk about what has inspired her to record this episode as she talks extemporaneously. She muses about the use of Who, How, What, Where, When and Why when applying those words to your thoughts. In short, asking open questions that encourage curiosity and wisdom as a result.
She references a coaching session with a client, and how when she is working she is naturally curious and through asking open questions she helps then to find the answers they need from within.
- What are you waiting for? Download and listen today!
- When can you listen? Download and listen later?
- Where can you listen? Whenever you have 10 minutes!
- How can you listen? Via any of your podcast platforms on a handheld device, your laptop or computer.
- Who can you listen with? Anyone!
- Why would you want to listen? Because you will also learn something new!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/