Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
Tune in and be inspired by Luke’s story. One that saw him leave university somewhat deflated as he quickly discovered the career that he’d been told he could pretty much walk into after graduating wasn’t happening, despite applying for opportunities in the film industry where he wanted to start work.
As you will discover his journey took him from stacking shelves in Tesco to seizing a ‘exciting’ career opportunity that didn’t match up to the one he was sold!! Although he does realise now how the experience played its part synchronously and ultimately saw him making a contact which led him to make further connections that enabled him to manifest his 5-year plan in less than a year. One of running his own business in his own studio space.
Luke was always clear on what he wanted to do it was that belief and focus that made it manifest so much sooner than he could ever believe for which he is incredibly appreciative.
Together they also discuss the other challenges Luke has had to embrace, and overcome, in his late diagnosis of neurodiversity: ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.
A great episode during which Sarah also discusses elements of her personality that she is beginning to wonder might be partially ADHD related too.
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
And if you’ve been inspired by Luke, you can contact him via the following links:
Email: luke@formosafilmsltd.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-formosa-4775a0144/