Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
142: Passionate About People - Sarah chats to Neil Lawrence
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
During this inspiring episode you will meet Neil Lawrence, a coach who works with ‘outsiders’, creatives, and other coaches. Neil is also a fiction writer and song writer too.
As you will discover Neil spent a large part of his career working within the education sector until he was effectively bullied out, at which point, in conjunction with a near fatal car crash, he decided to retrain and become a coach. A role that would enable him to work equally with people.
Together they discuss the powers of coaching, and the qualities good coaches ought to possess, along with the values and beliefs that they both hold dear, including the importance to create a non-judgemental and supportive space for clients to go within, explore and discover answers and their own solutions.
Neil is passionate about health and well-being and openly shares his own experiences living with mental health, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Neurodiversity, whilst also being aware that whilst these labels are useful to raise awareness, they should not be boxes.
So much is covered in a short space of time.
A truly fascinating conversation with two highly experienced, qualified performance coaches and one that delivers loads of wisdom and of course upbeat energy.
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
And if you’ve been inspired by Neil, you can contact him via the following links:
Website: https://www.lifecoach-london.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-lawrence-a7752129/
Friday Feb 17, 2023
141: Love Being You! (The ’Happy Clappy’ Soundbite)
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
This short episode is a quick sure blast from Sarah encouraging you to be yourself, love yourself and not accept bullying and narcissistic behaviour from anyone in your life, be they friends, family, or work colleagues. She openly shares some of her own personal experiences of this kind of behaviour and stands firm in her belief, and knowledge, that you can live your life on your terms and not one that is dictated by others simply because they don’t like the one you’re living.
Tune in and gain strength from Sarah’s wisdom.
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
140: No BS! She’s Passionate About PR - Sarah chats to Fiona Scott
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
A lively, upbeat and energetic episode during which you will get to know Fiona Scott, a down to earth no BS PR agent.
Fiona has been a journalist for 35 years, during which time she has worked her way through the print (weekly and daily papers) industry, and then into television via hospital radio and voluntary work to get her ‘foot in the door’. She now runs her own media consultancy helping clients to become more visible.
Fiona shares with Sarah her passion for her career, is honest about the impact it can have on family life and how, when she eventually became a freelancer and set up a media consultancy, she was able to pick up work that fitted to her own agenda not theirs. Which has included working as a location & guest director on Flog It! for 6 years. She is still great friends with the presenter Paul Martin and the other experts on this, very popular antiques, show.
In Fiona’s own words, “As a print journalist, business owner and award-winning TV producer/director, I’ve had a fascination for people’s stories all my life - ever since seeing a TV reporter in action more than 40 years ago. Today, as a respected media consultant, recently named the UK's Top PR Adviser 2021 to 2022, prolific blogger and PR (Public Relations) trainer, I cut through all the BS false promises to get journalists truly interested in you and your stories.”
This really is a fabulously upbeat, insightful, and interesting episode – tune in today and enjoy!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
And if you’ve been inspired by Fiona, you can contact her via the following links:
Website: https://scottmedia.uk/
Friday Feb 10, 2023
139: Taking Good Care of Yourself (The ’Happy Clappy’ Soundbite)
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
Dive into this short episode and take note of the wisdom and personal experiences that Sarah talks about and shares in relation to looking after yourself.
She extolls the importance of listening to and trusting your instinct and intuition. Of knowing when things aren’t right it’s time to walk away from situations, be they work related or personal.
She talks about the importance of spending time around people who have your back not those who bring you down through their toxic, negative and narcissistic behaviours.
Sarah also shares tips on breaking patterns that aren’t working by doing things differently, even if it simply involves calling someone who you will get positive vibes from.
If you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results. Tune in a tool yourself up with insightful Happy Clappy soundbite today. Or download and listen later.
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
138: Wildly Happy - Sarah chats to Robyn Harris
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
It’s February 2023 and after a short break from recording guest episodes in January Sarah J Naylor is back doing what she loves best, and that is creating content to help you harness happiness in your life.
During this fabulous episode you will meet the wonderful Robyn Harris who loves enabling her clients to live their wildest, happiest life though ‘Wild Wellbeing’ that looks at equilibrium, energy, and balance. As you will discover this involves exploring and interpreting signs in the body that indicate what needs to change to regain balance.
Sarah and Robyn are very much on the same page, albeit using different techniques, when it come to ‘helping people to fall in love with who they really are’. This incorporates encouraging them to rediscover, or even discover, their sense of clarity, energy, and fun.
Together Sarah and Robyn talk passionately about balance, equilibrium, perspective, life and so much more. This episode combines Sarah’s naturally upbeat energy which is beautifully balanced out with Robyn’s calm air which is both nurturing and soothing the soul as you listen to her voice.
So much is covered in such a short space of time including discussion around compassion, the power of the shortest sentence in the English language, ‘I am’, trauma, healing, Dr Gabor Mate https://drgabormate.com/ - in short, this episode is stuffed full of amazing content, bags of wisdom and so much more.
Be compassionate to yourself and take time out to listen today.
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
And if you’ve been inspired by Robyn, you can contact her via the following links:
Website: https://www.equenergy.com/
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
Dive in and give yourself 10 minutes to hear more about Sarah, her background and what makes a great coach!
Essential information and knowledge to have if you are thinking about engaging a coach or indeed a bit of an eye opener for those of you who may have had a bad experience in the past.
During the episode Sarah explains how a good coach will always listen, create a supportive, non-judgemental environment enabling their client to find the solutions from within. ‘Ask not tell’ being very much the foundation stone from which coaching builds itself upon. She even throws in some examples to make you think further.
Sarah also shares some of her philosophies around careers, mindfulness, patterns of behaviour, energy and loads more – as always, she crams a lot in to 10 minutes along with her usual upbeat energetic vibes!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
136 REPLAY: Successfully Celebrating the Fine Art of Failing - Jamie McAnsh
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
This is a Harnessing Happiness replay. During January 2023, Sarah's taking a short break, but continues to upload some of her favourite past episodes. She'll be back with brand new content in February.
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
During this fab episode you will meet the incredibly inspiring and uplifting Jamie McAnsh, co-founder of See No Bounds, motivational speaker, TEDx speaker, entrepreneur role model, and adaptive athlete
As you will discover during this empowering and insightful episode Jamie woke up in 2014 paralysed from the waist down and started a journey of discovery learning the key skills of strength and resilience on his journey to recovery. Jamie and Charlott McAnsh, his wife, (you can listen to an earlier episode with Charlott here https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-suew6-1250927) have a passion to see people succeed no matter what the circumstances.
Jamie opens by stating that he was the guy who left school with nothing and the information from his Maths teacher that the only numbers he would ever make up were those on the Benefits queue and his English teacher told him that he had no concept of the English language!
Jamie touches briefly on his time in the British Army as a Royal Engineer, but unlike the many stories you may have heard in the past doesn’t reference the camaraderie as the lessons that he learned. He talks about the strength that he found in their motto, Adapt & Overcome, which you will quickly realise has been the backbone to his success, in addition to his failed suicide attempt due to his ongoing battle with CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (read more about that here - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/complex-regional-pain-syndrome/ )
Jamie talks about his battles and shares all that he has achieved since waking up in 2014 paralyzed from the waist down – his is quite a phenomenal story, and one that has seen him achieve so much.
During his journey to recovery, as you will find out as you listen to his powerful message, he was constantly told that he ‘can’t’ and he’s proved everyone wrong with the strength of his mind and his focus on the positive. He now tells people to listen to those who tell you that you can and not those who tell you that you can’t. But even more so to believe in yourself – you can!!
In fact, the opening statement on his own website pretty much sums it up: “Jamie McAnsh is an inspirational and motivational speaker with a story like no other. Waking up paralysed he has overcome every challenge put in front of him. Jamie is a sportsman, a role model an entrepreneur, a Disabled adventurer, and most of all a survivor. Life dealt Jamie a set of cards and he decided he was going to play poker. Looking at his challenges from outside the box Jamie has overcome adversity in an amazing style.”
You are going to LOVE this episode and understand that problems can be overcome and that you CAN achieve all that you want to achieve if you want it enough. And to top it off, Jamie is incredibly charismatic and wants the best for everyone too!
This episode is not to be missed and will benefit you for more than just one listen as you will hear stuff you no doubt missed the first time around!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
And if you’ve been inspired by Jamie, you can contact him via the following links:
Website: http://www.seenobounds.co.uk/ http://www.jamiemcansh.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-mcansh-see-no-bounds/
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
Grab yourself a cuppa, coffee, tea or whatever is your current tipple, and take ten minutes out to hear Sarah talk passionately about the importance of trusting your own judgement, your instinct, intuition, gut feeling.
During this short episode Sarah shares some of her back story, how her ex-husband would constantly challenge and undermine her decisions, and, how long it took to overcome when she left him in 2005.
She speaks honestly about how she has consistently followed her own instinct and intuition since then and how it has enabled her own personal development. As you will discover though that doesn’t make her completely infallible as she also shares the challenges she has faced more recently in association with the thought process around social media marketing. The essence of which is incongruent with her values and levels of integrity.
Then listen now, it is only 10 minutes after all, or download for later!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
This is a Harnessing Happiness replay. During January 2023, Sarah's taking a short break, but continues to upload some of her favourite past episodes. She'll be back with brand new content in February.
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
During this honest, warts and all episode, you’ll meet Janet Efere, a successful sales trainer who had it all, lost it all and has had to draw upon her inner strength and resilience to survive more than her fair share of knocks whilst providing for her children along the way.
Definitely movie material, Janet shares with Sarah her back story, finding the man she loved dearly and how, through no real fault of their own, they lost the lot, due to decisions that were made that were way out of their control, and she also lost him too.
Janet talks about her experiences with humour and reflects how when Covid-19 hit that she already had the tools in place to deal with what everyone else was faced to handle en masse, change to the norm that were out of their control. In fact, she had a great year business wise too as she had the time to make and have much longer conversations with people who suddenly had the time to talk to her.
You will be inspired knowing that it is possible to survive and thrive despite the most challenging situations and still retain humour!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjnaylor/
And if you’ve been inspired by Janet, you can contact her via the following links:
Website: http://www.tadpoletraining.com/
Friday Jan 20, 2023
133: Getting Passionate About Being You! (The ’Happy Clappy’ Soundbite)
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Harnessing Happiness with Sarah J Naylor is an upbeat, energetic, and inspiring podcast filled with joy and laughter, wisdom, philosophies, and positive psychology.
Give yourself ten minutes to tune and take note of Sarah’s wise words as she encourages you to fully identify with the essence of you, your own truth / identity and embrace all that you are as a unique individual. Take time to think about aligning with your passions and what fires you up and brings you enjoyment as when you so your happiness radiates outwards and attracts more of the same right back at you.
Acceptance | Perspective | Energy - the three key elements that make up Sarah’s APE Mindset Methodology are also covered within this episode that is aimed at you truly accepting yourself!
Sarah is naturally engaging, her energy infectious, and whether she is sharing her musings and ramblings about life in general, or having insightful discussions with her guests, as you tune in and listen, your energy levels will rise, a smile will spread across your face as your inner happiness is harnessed.
Been inspired and want to know more about Sarah, then here are the ways that you can get in touch with her:
Website: https://www.sarahjnaylor.com/